Female Parts was originally a one-woman show developed and
performed by Franca Rame in 1977 under the title, All House, Bed, and
Church. The work is a series of monologues, written with her husband,
which expose problems women continue to face in the present day: problems
within the family, in relationships, at work, and in society. The one-act
plays are intimate theatrical pieces that strive to connect with both
male and female audience members. In the true tradition of Fo and Rame’s
theatre, the plays are satirical in nature and provoke reactions ranging
from laughter to anger. The playwrights’ intention is not necessarily
to antagonize audiences but to make them rethink issues that they deal
with on a day-to-day basis.
Rame is the co-author of many dramatic works, including All Home, Bed,
and Church (1977), The Open Couple (1983), Female Parts (1986), A Woman
Alone and Other Plays (1989), and Seventh Commandment: Steal a Little
Less (1992). An actress, dramatist, and lecturer of international renown,
Ms. Rame was born to a family of puppeteers who have been practicing
their art for several generations, and began her acting career at the
age of eight. She joined Dario Fo in the theatre in 1951 (and married
him in 1954) and has since collaborated with him as stage performer,
writer, and editor for dozens of plays and monologues.
Together Fo and Rame have established a worldwide reputation for biting
satire in their writing and performances. The dangerous political issues
that have been subjects of their theatre include corruption in the Catholic
Church and the Italian government, police brutality, abuses in the prison
system, violations of human rights, the Mafia, rape, and the denial
of Italian women's access to divorce and abortion. Drawing on traditions
ranging from the commedia dell'arte to puppetry, clowning, and storytelling,
Fo and Rame have subjected every institution, political party, power
broker, corrupt organization and controversial law in Italy to their
formidable satirical powers. Over the years, they have been censored,
banned, rebuked, denied visas - and played to packed houses all over
the world.